
  1. Every thing that you buy out here you can find for free,you just have to look around,basically Google search and I are bestest buddies.Don't hesitate to go searching for free stuff.Just watch your security, pop ups and if they tell you a site is suspicious,walk away after all it was free,you didn't lose anything.HERE ARE A FEW FREE THINGS I LIKE.#1 http://www.listwire.com/uncklebob
  3. Another clever thing I was shown out here was how to cloak and shorten my URL.,because I do a lot of traffic exchange advertising and when I see a click bank product that I think is going to do well I use a cloak so I don't worry about someone stealing my commissions,TRY EITHER ONE,THEY'RE BOTH GREAT . http://budurl.com    
    1. Book mark this blog and I promise to add something new and free,OH and  useful  Every couple of days.How do you like that,I didn't ask you for a dime